Blessings from the first Holy Week
Happy Resurrection Sunday! Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed!
This weekend, we celebrate with great joy the unbelievable blessings that come to us from God. We are a blessed people because of what God did for us in history about 2,000 years ago in the land of Israel. Jesus died for our sins, he was buried, but he defeated sin and death by rising from the dead. He went back to the Father in heaven, and now rules all creation from there.
The past two weeks, my family and I have been watching during some evenings the epic mini-series, The Bible. This extremely popular and well done DVD on the stories in the Bible was the number 1 TV show in the US and many other countries in the world during the times it was on air last year. It was life-changing to see the great love and power of God played out throughout human history. And the result is the blessings of salvation for you and today.
Today, let us look at a few of these great blessings. Jesus’ death on the cross, his rising from the dead, and return to heaven forever changed history and our lives as well. Victory was won and blessings were restored. Since then, you and I have been recipients of wonderful things from the good hand of our Lord.
You have reason to celebrate and be confident as you reflect on the blessings of the first Holy Week! Hurray! Thank God for his indescribable gifts!