Acts 3:19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord
Welcome to Lighthouse Christian Fellowship, where you belong! We are glad that you came today! We have prepared some special things for you! Most importantly, the Lord is desiring and ready to bless you today! One of the really useful keys in a computer’s keyboard is the “Delete” button. It is so necessary because we all make mistakes. The backspace or delete button enables you and me to make right the wrong things. In life, God calls you and me to turn away from things that are displeasing to him and to follow him in those areas of life. This means to go back as it were to those wrong things we have done and to have them “erased” or deleted by asking the Lord for forgiveness. This is a serious matter because without repentance, there is no forgiveness of sins. And without forgiveness from God, there is no eternal life for us. Different people describe or define repentance differently. The Bible as the authoritative Word of God, however, gives us a very clear and reliable picture of what repentance really means and implies. Today we will look at a story in the Gospels that will powerfully show what turning to God means. It will be life-altering in some really good ways. As you turn to the Lord and leave behind the things that are not good and godly, you will receive God’s forgiveness as well as the power to overcome sin. God has made a way where there was no way, and Jesus Christ and his death on the cross for your sins makes it all possible for you! Receive the Lord’s blessing for you and your family today! Lathur Badoy