Ephesians 1:4 Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before him in love.
It’s a beautiful day, and we are so glad that you are spending part of it here at Lighthouse. Our desire is that you will find Lighthouse to be a spiritual family where you truly belong. We want to grow in God along with you and we long to serve the great God together with you. The Lord has been graciously working in our lives the past weeks to change us. He is powerfully transforming us from our old broken & sinful lives to lives filled with hope & righteousness in him. This is not an easy journey; there are real challenges, and some people may oppose the new things that are happening in our lives. But we must carry on and honor God inspite of difficulties and persecution. You and I are changed for a glorious purpose and according to a grand plan of God. We are not just forgiven of our sins, and then we just stay mostly the same while we wait for the new heavens & earth that the Lord will bring about when Jesus Christ returns to earth. No. God’s plan is more glorious and more exciting than that. He wants each and every one of us to actually be flawless, perfect, and blameless like our model, the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes even our appearance will be changed to something immortal and glorious, but that will come later when Jesus finally comes to earth again. In the meantime, you and I have serious work to do, and part of that is to actively participate with God in the transformation of our character and lifestyle. The Lord does not want you to remain in the broken, sinful, empty state you were before you came to know Christ as Lord and Savior. Rather, he wants to transform you on the inside and going out to your actual behavior in your relationships, work/business or studies, and all other areas of your life. He wants you to be holy and perfect like Jesus. Of course, it’s a process, but that’s where you’re going. So be excited and allow God to transform you completely. God’s rich blessings on your life today! Lathur Badoy