Going to church on Sunday is non-negotiable for the followers of Jesus!
God blessed our SUNDAY WORSHIP CELEBRATIONS as Ps Jim MacInnes shared a powerful reminder about "DEAL OR NO DEAL: A LIFE OF NO COMPROMISE!" God deserves our all-out passion, fiery commitment, and radical love. Let us never compromise biblical standards and live a life that pleases God. Join us every 10:00 AM, 1:00 PM, and 3:00 PM for our worship schedules at The Lighthouse, Cinema 6, NCCC Victoria Plaza Mall, Bajada.
Our example Moses: Exodus 10:26a “All our livestock must go with us, too; not a hoof can be left behind.”
God was determined to totally free His people.
When God calls you, empowers you… often still battles ahead. Cheer up, God is with you! (1 Corinthians 10:6)
When Jesus died on the Cross, He demanded of Satan and Sin: Let my people go!!! He not only saved us but also called us to leave the world and leave it behind
(2 Corinthians 5:17; Deuteronomy 6:23a)
Important Truth: God wants to lead you to a life that is in His freedom. (Galatians 5:1; Exodus 8:24)
1st Compromise/Deal: Go…but don’t go! (Exodus 8:25)
Satan doesn’t mind us going to church as long as we stay in the world all week. But God demands separation from the world. (2 Cor. 6:17; 1 John 5:19)
Worldliness starts in the heart, a divided heart. But it matters where we go, who we are with, what we do, say, take in. John Wesley later said, “anything that cools my love for Christ is the world.” (1 John 2:15; John 17:14; John 15:19; Exodus 3:10; Exodus 8:26)
2nd Compromise/Deal: Lukewarmness/ low commitment (Exodus 8:28)
Today Satan says: Don’t go overboard with this Jesus stuff. Be a borderline Christian.
All the rooms of our life are for God. Don’t lock Him into one room. Allow Him to roam freely and permeate every area of your life. Give Him all!
3rd Compromise/Deal: Worship God, but don’t take your family. (Exodus 10:8-11; Joshua 24:15b)
4th Compromise (after plague of darkness): Don't Commit Your Treasures. (Exodus 10:24)
Satan's lie says, "Be religious and be a Christian, but don't bring God into your business/finances into it."
Satan doesn’t want your business/ personal finances to be committed to God. Satan knows that if he can have your treasure, he has a part of you. (Matthew 6:21)
This is what Satan must know: all we have is God's. Everything!
For you: Deal or no deal? NO DEAL! Not a hoof! Not a peso! Not a child! Not a promise He has made to me will I not pursue!!! It’s time we leave Egypt behind, not for just a while, but forever. Victory is ours when we refuse to compromise with the world/satan!
Look what happened with making no deal. (just after the last plague) (Exodus 12:31-32)
Total freedom because Moses refused to make a deal!
Many have heard the Devil say, “Let’s make a deal.” And, they have traded something precious for something worthless. Gone back to bondage. They have left a big part of themselves in the world. They have traded their testimony for empty promises and wasted years. You can be in the best church, best pastors, friends but miss God’s will for you. Demas, traveled with Paul! (2 Timothy 4:10a “For Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me.”)
But for those who shout No Deal to satan, the world discovers true freedom: John 8:36; James 4:7b
Stand firm, make no deal with the world/Satan and you will discover new freedom!