1. SCHOOL OF LEADERS 3 GRADUATION on December 7 (This Afternoon), 1:30 – 4:00 PM at The Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza.
- Be encouraged by the testimonies, powerful Word and wonderful experience of seeing transformed lives being used for God’s Kingdom. See you there!
2. LIFE GROUP LEADERS MENTORING, December 9 (Tuesday), 7 – 10 PM @ Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza.
- Be equipped for greater ministry service as we receive powerful exhortations from our Pastors. Prepare and gear yourself up for greater ministry breakthrough in 2015.
3. ‘Tis the season to be merry & jolly! Don’t miss the Ultimate Youth Party of the year as WOW GENERATION goes JINGLE ALL THE WAY on December 12 (Friday), 6:30 – 9:00 PM @ Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza.
- Celebrate Christmas at its best - great presentations, clean party, & encouraging fellowship await you! End the year with much fun, tag along your cool friends. See you!
4. Find your perfect rest in Jesus. Attend DAWN PRAYER, December 13 (Saturday), 5:30 – 7:15 AM @ Gardena Fresca, Morales Village, Matina.
- Strengthen your prayer life and know God more. Enjoy a God-filled morning in a quiet & pristine place with happy people. See you there!
5. Spread the Christmas cheer and be a part of CHRISTMAS PAHALIPAY to the Isla Verde Children by WOW Generation Youth in partnership of Fishermans Net Community Church. December 13 (Saturday).
- Share the love and care of Christ to the underprivileged children this season. Matthew 19:14 “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’"
- This Christmas season, let us remember to give gifts not just to people, but to the Lord Jesus himself. Jesus is the reason for the season, and so we want to give him honor that is due to him. For the four Sundays of December, everyone is encouraged to prepare and give a birthday gift to the Lord Jesus. This gift is in addition to your regular tithes and offerings. Special offering envelopes for this purpose will be made available. You may drop your birthday gift to Jesus on the offering box any Sunday of December.