1 John 3:1 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!
You are deeply loved by the Father in heaven! He likes you. He wants to be with you. He wants you to be happy. Have you known this love? Even more importantly, do you know the Father in heaven as your own Father? Today, we want to talk about the Father in heaven. We want to get to know him. We want to understand his love. We desire to feel his tenderness. And more importantly, we want to experience him every day as our Father. For those who had positive experiences with their earthly fathers, the things we will talk about may be comparatively easy to believe. But for those who had negative or painful experiences with their biological fathers or male authority figures, some things we will talk about may sound too good to be true. Yet they are very true, and they will change our lives if we will receive them. You have a heavenly Father who genuinely cares for you, goes with you, watches over you, provides for you, and much more. Know his love. Receive his kindness. Enjoy his goodness and his care. Allow him to embrace you, thrill your heart, and fill your soul. You were made to receive his love and love him in return. May this day be a real turning point for you as you experience the deep love of your perfect heavenly Father. Lathur Badoy