Faithfulness and Its Many Rewards
Luke 19:17 And he said to him, 'Well done, good servant! Because you have been faithful in a very little, you shall have authority over ten cities.'
Faithful. Reliable. Trustworthy. Can be counted on. We all want faithful people. Unreliable people are a pain in the neck. They promise but don’t deliver. They make you trust, but they disappoint you.
Because we are all humans, we are all guilty of and capable of failing to deliver on our promises and commitments. But it is another thing to fail and not try hard to improve. You and I are called upon to be faithful. We would do well to develop the godly and positive quality of faithfulness.
A faithful or reliable person is one who keeps his commitments. He strives to do what he promises to do at the set or agreed upon time. He pushes himself to deliver what he said he or she would. He tries to do what is expected.
A trustworthy person does not have to be monitored always. You don’t always need to check up on him. He does his job even when no one is watching. He does not forget what he promised. He gives his best always, even when there is no contest for a promotion or incentive. He does what he says he would because he or she is a person of character and commitment.
The Lord wants you and me to be faithful. He loves reliable people. He rewards those who can be counted on. There are many benefits that come to those who are faithful. So let us develop faithfulness. Let us cultivate trustworthiness in our personal relationships, job or business, or ministry.
The Lord has a rich blessing for those who seek him. Receive your blessing today.
Lathur Badoy