Matthew 25:22 "The man with two bags of gold also came. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with two bags of gold; see, I have gained two more.' 23 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'
The Lord is looking for people who are faithful to him. He is searching for men and women who love him, serve him, and obey him. They respect the greatness of God and understand his authority over them. And they also know the goodness of God and his love for them. So they are loyal to the Lord because God is alive in their hearts. God wants you to serve him. He desires that you spend your life- which is a gift from God- for his glory and his purposes on earth. He wants you to use the abilities, resources, and many other things he allowed you to have to serve him and people. The best way to live your life is to joyfully give some time, talent, and treasure (finances) to proclaim his kingship and love and to help people enjoy lives of loving relationship with God. Are you serving God? Are you serving him faithfully? Are you reliable and consistent in fulfilling your promises to God? The Lord wants you to. There are many blessings in serving God. These amazing benefits are very inspiring in our hard work of following Christ. We will be richly blessed on this earth and in eternity if we serve God loyally. But there are dangers for those who are not using their God-given resources to honor the Lord. If they are lazy, ungrateful, irresponsible, or wicked, there will be serious consequences. There can be losses or punishment for those who refuse to serve the Lord even after the Lord has abundantly changed them and blessed them. May we all serve God faithfully, and enjoy the many rewards God will give us. Lathur Badoy