Genesis 22:16 ...I swear by myself, declares the LORD, that because you have done this [obeyed God] 17 I will surely bless you...
Have you ever found yourself in the favor of a teacher at school? You probably received things you don’t really deserve- less strict treatment, more generous grading for your projects, and the like. You probably got what most others did not get. It was such a wonderful thing to enjoy what you don’t really deserve. How about at work? Have you been a recipient a more-than-usual good treatment from a boss? The favor you have in the eyes of that supervisor or manager may have resulted in salary increases, promotion, special trainings or privileges, or other things for you. What you normally would not receive based purely on your output is given to you, and your life is made happier and better as a result. Other people work hard too, but somehow you seem to get the attention and kindness of your boss. Today we want to talk about the favor of God. It’s what we all need. It’s what we all want. When we have it, provisions of various kinds are more abundant, tasks are accomplished with greater ease and speed, and the like. Things are not perfect, but you are able to advance, defeat enemies, and enjoy the goodness of God in many concrete ways. More specifically, we want to talk about gaining the favor of God. Not all people have the favor of God. It is not given to all Juans and Marias. The favor of God is given by the sovereign free choice of the Almighty God. We cannot demand it. We can only desire it, and be thankful if we receive it. But while God gives his favor to whoever he pleases as a gift and not as a payment for their good actions, it is also true that we humans can attract the favor of God by our actions. Our obedience to God, our zeal for him that is uncommon and constant, and the like can somehow catch the eye of God and result to us receiving his favor. It’s still a gift of grace, but we gained it somehow by our response to God’s commands or instructions. Let’s learn the favor of God, and our lives can be forever changed, not only eternally, but in this short temporary earthly life as well! Lathur Badoy