John 10:27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
The Lord wants to have a growing relationship with you! He wants to be closer to you, and you to be closer to him. He wants to enjoy your company, and you to enjoy his presence. Though it may sound strange to some people who are not used to hearing it, the truth is that God is speaking to people through various means! He is saying something to them every day. God uses many methods in speaking to people. The love of family, the beauty of creation, the meeting of a need just in time, a powerful & life-changing thought that comes to you as you read your Bible, and the advice of a spiritual leader that sheds light on a particular issue you are facing are just some of the ways that God speaks to you and me. God is talking, and we can hear his voice. I am so thankful that God has not left us to ourselves, but has chosen to speak to us every day! His voice goes out continuously, and we can hear him. His communications guide us, assure us, strengthen and comfort us, and much more. As we give effort to listen to his voice, we will develop spiritual ears that really hear his messages to us. Then we can do what he says. And when we follow God’s instructions, we will succeed in what we do. That’s awesome, and I love the Lord for that. Do you need a word of assurance, a flash of guidance, a message of comfort, or a voice of direction (perhaps even re-direction)? Listen from your heart. Quiet your mind, and ask the Lord to help you hear his voice. If you are serious about hearing God talk to you every day, you will not be disappointed. God will speak and you will hear his wonderful, life-giving voice! Lathur Badoy