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- How’s your relationship with God? Experience the love of Jesus firsthand as you come to our CHANGE RELATIONSHIP SUNDAY on July 2 during our Sunday Worship Celebrations. Let Jesus become the rock from which we lean and stand on. Invite people close to you and bring the change you want to see in them as you take in our EACH ONE CHANGE ONE CAMPAIGN CYCLE 4. God is in the business of changing lives. See you!
- Be encouraged to tap into the power of prayer and don’t miss our movie showing of WAR ROOM on July 2 (Sunday), 1:30 – 4 PM at The Lighthouse, Victoria Plaza. This is a harvest event. Open to all VIPs of Change Sundays and Lighthouse leaders. You will be surely inspired and empowered to believe in the power of God! Spend your Sunday afternoon with us!
- Say “yes” to the longing of your soul and desires of your heart. Come to God and attend PRE ENCOUNTER PARTY on July 9 & 16 (Sunday), 1:30 – 4:30 PM & July 14 (Friday), 7:00 – 10:00 PM at The Lighthouse, Victoria Plaza. You need to attend only one of the three schedules to qualify for the ENCOUNTER GOD WEEKEND. Block off your schedule!
- Be excited for ENCOUNTER GOD WEEKEND on July 22 – 23, 2017 at The Lighthouse, Victoria Plaza. Stop trying to fix yourself, only God our Maker can fix us. Be set free from all bondages of sins and issues of the past. You are never too broken that God cannot make you whole again. Spread the word and invite your family members, coworkers, friends & classmates to our Change Sundays and bring them to life groups or conduct Change 12 lessons to prepare them for Encounter God Weekend.
“Forgiveness is the best form of love. It takes a strong person to say sorry and an even stronger person to forgive.”
“Forgiveness liberates the soul. It removes fear. That is why it is such a powerful weapon.”
“One of the most courageous decisions you’ll ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul.”
“Your peace is more important than driving yourself crazy trying to understand why something happened the way it did. Let it go.”