Romans 6:4 “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”
You and I are called to follow Jesus Christ! God made us to belong to him, to love him, to stay close to him, and to live in joyful obedience to his will. Because Jesus Christ is Lord (the supreme ruler and owner of all creation), we, his people, are to live our lives according to his character and purposes. We are happy that you joined us today. Together we will talk about how we can continue to know the Lord in personal and relational ways. We want to keep changing so we can be what God wants us to be and so we can do what God wants us to do. Following the Lord or discipleship involves a change of lifestyle. Some things are no longer appropriate for us who are now following the Lord. And we do well to develop new habits and new friendships because we are now disciples of Jesus Christ. You will be thrilled as you walk in the path of the changed life that the Lord is giving you. Your heart will feel the peace and the joy that is found in living for God. Your spirit will feel the freedom, life, and health that is found only in Jesus Christ. Keep allowing God to change you for the new you in Christ is being formed and is slowly coming out. When you change lifestyle so you can please the Lord, you are entering into a challenging and exciting season of your life. You will be thrilled at the results. There may be a time of waiting and some changes may be tough at the start, but you will be adequately helped by God and encouraged by your progress and the witness of the Holy Spirit in your heart. Welcome to a very exciting season - your best season so far - as we Change Lifestyle for the glory of God! May God’s rich blessings be yours and your family’s this week and the weeks ahead! Lathur Badoy