Go to the next level and higher purpose God has predestined you to be. Develop & improve your leadership capacity for a greater Kingdom conquest. SOL 3 candidates should be leading pre or open life groups before they can enroll. Be equipped.
Be transformed. Be a leader of leaders. See you!
2. “O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” (Psalm 63:1) Let your hunger and thirst for God be filled as WOW GENERATION presents HUNGER NIGHTS on November 7 (Friday), 6:30 – 9:00 PM @ Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza.Say yes to the deepest cry of your heart & soul for more of God. Come to a night of worship, life-changing word from God & encouraging fellowship with the generation sold-out for Jesus. Bring your friends, classmates & workmates!
3. DAWN PRAYER MEETING on November 8 (Saturday), 5:30 – 7:30 AM @ Gardena Fresca, Morales Village, Matina, Davao City.Stand in agreement of God’s will and plans for your lives through prayer. Be awed by the holiness & splendor of the King of Kings – Jesus as you set aside a morning of prayer to seek Him. Enjoy God’s presence & great fellowship. See you!
4. Rock that healthy and fit body! Come to BURN NIGHTS on November 5 & 19 and December 3 & 17, 7 – 8 PM @ Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza.Dance into the beat of a great music while exercising and praising God all at the same time. Achieve that strong and fabulous body you’ve always wanted! FREE ADMISSION. See you!
5. JOINT WEDDING CEREMONY, December 27 (Saturday), 3 PM @ The Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza.Seal your relationship before God and men with the covenant of marriage. Couples who want to take advantage of this special event do not have to pay anything. This is a free service provided once-a-year for Lighthouse members. For inquiries or to enlist, you may contact your life group leader or the LCF Office (look for Katherine).