John 8:32 You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Welcome to Lighthouse Christian Fellowship, your church, your home, your family! We are thrilled that you were able to come today. There is much that the Lord wants to do in your life. As you open your heart to him today, you will experience his forgiveness, his saving love & power, and his restoring grace. May you experience God in a life-altering way today. For so many of us, if our lives will move in the exact same direction that it’s going on now, we will be in deep trouble in the future. This may be in the area of our finances, our health, our marriages, our careers, our studies, or our ministries. There needs to be a change, and, for some, it better come sooner than later. In fact, some need to change right now. Any delay may prove to be disastrous. In no other area of life is the above more true than in the spiritual life. You see it’s easier to change other things than spiritual things. The Lord will always help us if we are sincere in changing, but we are often so selfish, doubting, or rebellious. Yet because spiritual things are of eternal (unending) nature, the consequences are irreversible once we cross over into eternity. Thus the implications are absolutely huge. There are blurred lines spiritually. The enemy of man, the devil, has successfully confused people about the simple and life-giving truths on many things, including spiritual reality. Thankfully, the Lord wants to open our spiritual eyes and set our lives free if we allow him. Will you reject the lies of Satan and switch to the truths of God? If you do so and stay in the path of truth, the truth will set you free. May the Lord’s rich blessings be on you and your family today! Lathur Badoy