Luke 12:20 But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?' 21 This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God.
Welcome to our worship celebration today! We are glad that you came! We pray that the Lord will bring to you a desired blessing or even a much-needed miracle! The Lord is a good God, and it is his joy to do some good thing to you and bless you today! One of the manifestations of God’s great wisdom and power is seen in the almost limitless variations of the ways people live. The study of cultures is a fascinating one. But even though people dress, eat, relate, and speak differently in various cultures and generations, there are some very obvious similarities. The Bible describes in clear and, in many times, graphic details, the kinds of lives people live as far as God and spiritual-moral things are concerned. Today we want to look at the ways of living. We will explore each way of living and look at examples of how it impacts our lives, especially our futures. Our actions and choices do have consequences - some good, positive, and happy. Others are negative and sad, even tragic at times. Our goal is to reflect on our lives and identify the kind of life we are living, and be affirmed if we are living wisely, but also be encouraged and inspired to change if we are living unwisely or dangerously. The Lord made you and me, and he knows the best way for us to live. The Bible is our “life manual” and we will do well to find out what it says and to do what we learn. Let’s do that today with teachable and believing hearts. God’s rich blessings on your life and family today! Lathur Badoy