What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future... (1 Peter 1:3-5 The Message Bible)
What differentiates Biblical Christianity from all other faiths or belief systems? One of the biggest and most striking differences is the idea of resurrection from the dead. Jesus Christ was the first to rise from the grave. Then when he returns to earth soon, he will bring back to life those who died believing in him and living for him. But the amazing blessings of the resurrection are not all reserved for the future age when Christ rules on earth over all creation. We can already begin to experience some of the glorious blessings of Christ’s resurrection. You see when you turned away from sin and trusted in Jesus alone for a right relationship with God, you took part in the death and resurrection of Jesus. By a spiritual miracle, you died with Christ to all the sins & curses, and you were raised with Christ to a brand new life of righteousness & blessing as God’s adopted child. Because you are united with Christ by means of faith, you share in Christ’s resurrection experience and power. The resurrection of Jesus brings many unbelievable benefits to you. You were raised to a new life of freedom, victory, abundance, peace, joy, and much more. Today, let’s be encouraged and empowered as we look into the Word of God, the Bible, and learn or be reminded of the rich blessings we have right now because of our relationship with Jesus Christ. Because Jesus died and rose again, we have great hope for the future. Because Jesus paid for our sins and was raised to life, there is grace to forgive our failures. Since Jesus did not remain on the grave but rose victorious over death, you and I can have courage and peace that defeats our fears. The truth of the resurrection give us life that conquers death, and offers to you and me a purpose that replaces our emptiness. Jesus Christ died, but did not remain dead. He conquered sin and the grave. He rose from among the dead. If you are true follower of Jesus through repentance and faith, you share in Christ’s victory. You can live in resurrection power here and now! What a blessing. Thank you, Lord! Lathur Badoy