3 Reasons to Thank God for 2014 and Face 2015 with Confidence
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Psalm 23:6
In a few days, the year 2014 will end. Though you may have experienced some hurts and disappointments, there are more reasons to be thankful to God. Try to count your blessings. You will be surprised to see what God has done. You actually had a good year inspite of the troubles you encountered. In fact, trials are actually a stepping stone to better and bigger things if we respond with a good attitude (Romans 8:28).
As the New Year, 2015, starts a few days from now, know that you don’t enter it alone. God, the Father, is with you. And even if you drew far from him in 2014, you can get closer to Him in 2015. Papa God goes with you as you face the challenges of another year. You can be sure of that. Therefore, you can be confident and very hopeful as you think about the New Year, 2015.
As is our custom at Lighthouse, I encourage you to spend time with God alone and then also with your family to thank God for the blessings of the year 2014, and ask God’s help as you seek to live closer to Him and serve him in 2015. Ask God for forgiveness for the wrong things you have done, and bury all your regrets for what didn’t happen or what wasn’t to be in 2014. I ask you to do your “spiritual housekeeping” so that you will be in the best position possible to start the year 2014 completely ready to do great things for God and enjoy wonderful things from God.
I personally invite you to make adjustments in your schedule so that you can participate in the First Fruit Prayer and Fasting retreat on January 3, 2015 (Saturday) at Hope Mountain, Ulas, Davao City. The beginning of the year prayer retreat will start at 9am and end at 5pm. Feel free to catch up in the morning or afternoon if you can’t make it there early. You will not regret spending time with God (there will be individual and group times of prayer) as we dedicate ourselves and the New Year to the Lord.
You are deeply longed for, madly loved, and exceedingly cherished by Papa God! Be thankful and confident. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Lathur Badoy