A Church that Pleases God
Dear Lighthouse family,
With great joy, we welcome you to our first weekend of Regathering worship celebrations. We have not seen each other physically for nearly four months. But now finally, we get the opportunity to be with each other again. What a blessing.
Virtual worship experiences are okay, but nothing beats the experience of being together in actuality. The presence of God is tangible physically and the anointing flows as disciples gather together in Christ’s name. The physicality of life requires a physical experience of fellowship (seeing each other, smiling at each other, and the like), worship (standing with hands raised in worship), and prayer (hands extended to receive God’s blessing and also to pray for each other). So we are very excited for the resumption of our worship celebrations beginning this weekend.
Our theme for today’s message is pleasing God as a church. The Lord has instructions and examples for his people to follow so that they can be the kind of church that he wants them to be. Inspite of the pandemic, we are called upon by God to not lose our focus on God and his plan for the world. And God’s instruments are his people. As we become more and more like the church that God wants us to be, we will bring praise to God and our needs will be fully met as well. We remember the words of the Lord Jesus, “Seek first the rule of God over your lives and the righteousness he desires from you, and all the things you need will be given to you as well.’ (Matthew 6:33).
May the Lord richly bless you, your family, and your ministry!
With love and prayers,
Pastors Lathur and Leah Badoy
Bible Verse:
Acts 11:20 But there were some… who on coming to Antioch… preaching the Lord Jesus. 21 And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number who believed turned to the Lord…..26…..And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians.