Our great God and Father showed up and showed off his glory, beauty, love, and power during the Fire and Glory Conference 3 last week. He changed lives in ways that only he can. The touch of the Master’s hand graciously and gloriously rescued people from lives and forms of Christianity that are boring, purposeless, powerless, defeated, and the like.
The Lord used the Fire and Glory Conference 3 to pour out his manifest presence in a very rich and powerful way. Realities of the higher kingdom, the kingdom of heaven, were manifested. There was righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. There were signs, wonders, and miracles that point to the kingdom (rule) of God on the earth. The result of the different and powerful workings of God was hearts that are passionate for or on-fire for God. People feel so alive, free, and confident.
Wouldn’t it be great if the spiritual life and fire can be sustained until the next conference? I think that is a wish of all those who were in the conference. You know, there’s really good news! The Bible says that it is possible to be alive and on-fire for God 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! In fact, that is the plan of God for you and me. And he tells us in his Word, the Bible, how we can experience that.
Think of it: if the spiritual well-being of God’s children is dependent on attending special events (however helpful they may be), some thing is not right or is missing some where. What if, for some reason (including some really valid reasons) you or I cannot attend special events, but our spiritual health or strength is dependent on the special event? We would be in trouble. I think we should all plan to attend special conferences and events that help us become more alive and on-fire for God. But I am glad that God does not make our spiritual condition dependent on events.
Today, let us talk about some things that God has said in the Bible that would enable you and me, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to be alive and on fire for God 24/7, 365. Many of these things may be familiar to you. But it is often in the doing or obeying that we fail, and as a result, our experience also falls short of the life and fire that God wants us to experience. Fire and Glory is powerful because it is Biblical Christianity. Practice the teachings of the Bible. Become a Christian according to the teachings of the Lord Jesus and the apostles and prophets in the Bible. You will experience the life and power of God 24/7, 365 in your life.