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- "Following Christ is not a casual or occasional practice but a continuous commitment and way of life that applies at all times and in all places." Commit to attend POST ENCOUNTER POWER SERIES on April 1 (This Afternoon), 12:45 NN - 3:45 PM at Lighthouse, Victoria Plaza. Finish the Encounter Series strongly. Stand firm in your faith and go all the way for Jesus! See you!
- “What are you waiting for? Get up and be baptized. Have your sins washed away by calling on the name of the Lord.” (Acts 22:16) Don’t miss WATER BAPTISM on April 7 (Saturday), 6:00 – 8:00 AM at Bago Beach Resort, Gulf View Subdivision fronting Apo Golf Club, Bago Aplaya. Seal your commitment to Jesus through public declaration of your faith. Bury your old self and walk in your new life with God. Be there!
- You are highly encouraged to attend HOW TO HANDLE LIFE GROUPS TRAINING on April 4 (Wednesday), 7:00 – 9:30 PM at The Lighthouse, Victoria Plaza. Learn the basic flow and dynamics of life group. Be equipped and empowered to reach out to the people within your sphere of influence. Bring all your life group members and arising leaders. Open for all!
- “Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls; All Your breakers and Your waves have rolled over me.” (Psalm 42:7) Experience revival and glory encounters as you come to our OVERFLOW NIGHT with Dr. Jim MacInnes of Fisherman’s Net Church on April 6 (Friday), 7:00 -9:30 PM at The Lighthouse, Victoria Plaza. Expect powerful worship, life-changing sharing of God’s word and divine encounter with Jesus. Invite other people!