Attitudes That Will Bring Success in 2016
Proverbs 4:18 The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! We have just entered another year! It is full of possibilities for good things. This year can be your best year so far. Embrace the freshness of the time, and run with a new determination to pursue the good and godly things that God wants to give you this year and beyond!
The old year 2015 is past! Make sure you leave it behind you completely. If you have not yet done it, I strongly encourage you to take time to pray to thank God for the many blessings you received in 2015, to ask God’s forgiveness for the wrong things you’ve done and make the wrong things right, to bury your regrets, and to re-dedicate your life to the Lord. If you do those, you will be able to position your heart and life for a good and godly year this 2016.
The Lord wants you to have a great year this 2016! You can be assured that he is with you and that he will move you towards your “promised land”. He will not leave you nor forsake you. But so often, people forget God, lay him aside, or abandon their relationship with him. This is not good. It is the formula for sure trouble in the near or distant future. Make sure God is the “senior partner” of your life. Let him lead you, and be a willing, happy, and faithful follower. If you let God be God in your life, you will ensure for yourself a year where God’s will is done in your life. God’s will is good, acceptable, and perfect (Romans 12:2).
Today, we will dedicate our lives afresh to the Lord. We will show dependence on him by asking his help for this whole year. And we will talk about some attitudes that will bring success this year 2016 and beyond. This year can be your best year so far. It can exceed the previous years by far. It can be your year to breakthrough and bloom. The attitudes we will talk about are based on the Bible, the book that is most wise and reliable because it is given by God himself. The truths we will talk about are tested and proven. God’s Word will empower you and me to soar to great heights. It can raise you and make you never the same again. That is exciting!
Enjoy the New Year! God’s rich blessings to you and your family!
Lathur Badoy