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- All hands on deck as MV Lighthouse sail away for an exciting adventure of fishing souls for Jesus. Be part of EACH ONE, CHANGE ONE CAMPAIGN CYCLE 11 this August 2019. Be bold and courageous as you bring people to our CHANGE SUNDAYS on August 18, 25 & September 1, 2019 in all five Sunday Worship Celebrations at The Lighthouse, Cinema 6, Victoria Plaza. God is in the business of changing lives. “The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9) Change for God. Change for good!
- Relax on a Sunday afternoon and watch FACING THE GIANTS MOVIE SHOWING on August 18, 2019 (Sunday), 1:00 – 3:30 PM at WOW Generation Youth Hub, Cinema 2, Victoria Plaza. Admission is free. This is open to all invites of Each One, Change One Campaign. Overcome every giant in life and grow in faith as you continue to seek the Lord. This is a must-see movie!
- Be available for CHANGE LESSONS. Take the 30-minute Change Lessons each week through the person who invited you or the person you have been referred to. Completing the 5 Change Lessons is required before one can attend the Encounter God Weekend. Decide to grow in your relationship with Jesus!
- One Encounter with the living God can totally change your life. Attend PRE ENCOUNTER PARTY on August 25 & September 1 (Sunday), 12:45 – 3:45 PM at WOW Generation Youth Hub, Cinema 2, NCCC Victoria Plaza and on August 30 (Friday), 7:00 – 10:00 PM at The Lighthouse across People’s Park. You need to attend only one out of the three schedules to qualify for Encounter God Weekend. This is the answer you have been looking for!
- Experience real change and inner healing as you come to our ENCOUNTER GOD WEEKEND on September 7 – 8, 2019 (Saturday – Sunday) at The Lighthouse, Cinema 6, NCCC Victoria Plaza. To be able to attend Encounter God Weekend, one must have completed the 5 Change Lessons or be a member of a Life Group and have attended a Pre Encounter Party. Be set free from all sins, bondages & addiction. Your freedom is waiting on the other side of your YES to God. See you!