August 18, 2013
1. FIRE AND GLORY 3 CONFERENCE! September 4-7, 2013 @ CAP Grand Auditorium, Anda Street, Davao City. Receive spiritual refreshing and new empowerment from God! Experience a mega-dose of God’s love and power. Be there when God’s fire and glory are manifested. Register NOW!
2. It’s coming! ENCOUNTER GOD WEEKEND is around the corner. Plan to be there! Coming this September 2013!
3. Life group leaders, please begin to prepare your candidates for the PRE-ENCOUNTER CLASS! It will start soon!
4. Go to your next level. Upgrade your heart and skills. Enroll in SCHOOL OF LEADERS. Arriving this September 2013!
5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PASTOR LEAH! We love and appreciate you so much! Thanks for all the love and service. We honor you in the Lord!