August 4, 2013
1. We’re so excited for the FIRE AND GLORY 3 CONFERENCE! Everyone is encouraged to participate. Mark the dates in your personal calendars and make concrete plans to attend. You will not regret taking a leave from work/business or even school (if possible) so that you can receive fresh grace from God for your life and ministry. The registration fee is subsidized so as to make it easier for more people to be able to attend. Pre-register for a substantial discount. See you at CAP Grand Auditorium on September 4-7.
We thank those who have participated in the clean-up, repairs, repainting, beautification of our new fellowship center. There’s still work that has to be done. We ask for your help in various forms- through contributing financially and volunteering your skill or time. Together, let’s make that house of God beautiful and functional for the glory of our great God!
3. SPECIAL SEASON OF PRAYER AND SPIRITUAL FORMATION! Plan your personal times with God. Receive breaths of life from the Lord as you give quality time in prayer, study of the Word of God, and reading a few good Christian books that assist you on your spiritual journey. Great blessings await those who seek the Lord diligently!
August 4 (this Afternoon), 2:00 – 4:00 PM @ Riverview Bacaca, Davao City. Let’s bring God’s love & cheers to indigent children. Contributions in cash or kind are needed and will make a difference. Volunteers are welcome. For inquiries, please contact Pastor Leah, Alma Lacson, or the LCF Office.
August 10 (Saturday), 5:30 – 7:15 AM @ Gardena Fresca Pond & Grill, Morales / Coca-cola Village, Matina. Experience a deeper intimacy with God through prayer. Enjoy a one-of-a-kind prayer time.
See you there!
6. It’s time to soar high in our businesses and careers for the glory of God! It’s time for another iFLY experience! It is a gathering of business people and professionals. Don’t miss great fellowships with like-minded people and receive encouragement through God’s word. Invite as many as you can. See you on August 9 (Friday), 7:00 – 9:00 pm 2 Cap Mini-Auditorium.