Choosing The Road To Follow Jesus Christ: Maturing In Our Christian
Because Jesus Christ is the Lord or Supreme Ruler, his desire is for you to follow him! He wants to know you more, and he wants you to know him more. Not just an intellectual knowledge but a living, loving, experiential knowledge of God. Now that is very exciting!
The Lord has prepared the way and wants you to follow him. He wants you to draw closer to him because he wants to personally get closer to you. The Christian life is a love relationship with God, not a dead religion of life-taking rules. To mature is not to accumulate head knowledge or to perform religious rituals joylessly. Rather, it is to know God and enjoy him in ever-increasing depths.
But yes there are some serious commitments, self-discipline, and paying the price that are part of following Jesus Christ. But doing them consistently results to increasing spiritual maturity and a closer relationship with God.
Are you choosing to follow Jesus Christ in the different areas of your life? Are you maturing in your Christian walk? I trust that our answers to these two questions are Yes. But if we cannot confidently say Yes, the Lord wants to help us follow him and mature in him. Would you acknowledge your need for God and ask him to come and empower you to do what he wants? He will come and answer when you pray and ask his help.
The Lord pours his bountiful grace on you and your family today! Enjoy!
Lathur Badoy