Colossians 3:18 Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. 19 Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them. 20 Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.
The Lord wants to bless your family so that you enjoy positive and life-giving relationships within it. God designed the family to be a place of security, fun and laughter, and provision. Families are intended by God to provide each one of us with safe and affirming environments to dream, to try (and fail), and to be human.
God wants you to be embraced, affirmed, and protected by all-out, unconditionally-loving people that you call “family”. He desires for you to bloom or flourish because you are planted in the healthy soil of loving family relationships.
Some of you have very positive experiences and relationships in your families. That is a great blessing. Others do not yet have nurturing and affirming relationships as of now. But the quality of your family relationships can grow. Believe that. Do your part. You may need to make some serious changes in your attitudes and the ways you treat some members of your family. You may need to invest many hours in prayer for your family to be healed/restored and to become a happy family again. But it is possible. Let me remind you: Nothing is impossible with God. I can tell you many, many stories of people whose families were transformed by God so that they are enjoying their relationships now. It’s not going to be perfect (there are no perfect families), but you can have families that work. Working or healthy families are places where each member appreciates and enjoys positive relationships with each other (or at least with most members of the family).
Today, let us talk some more about families according to God’s plan. Let us be encouraged and empowered to build our families to become God-honoring institutions. Let us be corrected, as needed, and instructed so that we can be equipped to relate to each other better. Let’s receive hope that our families can change and become positive and happy.
Rich blessings for you and your family today!
Lathur Badoy