Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Because of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we have been given by God our Father many great and precious promises! We are a richly blessed and highly favored people! We are very grateful to the Lord for a wonderful and strong start this year 2017! For those who attended the Re- Encounter retreat, you have new empowerment to reach great heights for God if you will be good stewards of the things that you received during the Re- Encounter. For those who joined in the 14-day Prayer and Fasting season (whether in full or partially), you have planted seeds of prayer that can result to a harvest of big changes and breakthroughs this year 2017. Continue to water those seeds through positive prayers and declarations. And don’t forget to act and do the practical things that you should do. Remember that faith without works is dead or useless. For all of us, we have another great opportunity to be prepared for a great year by attending the Freedom and Deliverance Conference on Saturday (January 28). So plan to be there. More than any other thing, desire a closer relationship with God and a more fruitful service to Him this year 2017. This is the heart of our purpose here on earth. All the other things - the money, properties, travels, dreams, and so on- are just a bonus. They are good and valid, but their value is limited because they are temporary - for this earth only. But spiritual things are forever; therefore, we are wise if we give our biggest and best efforts in the pursuit of them. You will never regret that life choice. Today, we will talk about being “Completely the Lord’s: Living Fully for God This 2017”. This is a most relevant topic, and those who apply its message will reap from the Lord a rich harvest of godly and good things. I have determined in my heart to live fully for the Lord this year 2017. Would you join me and many others in that holy and happy pursuit? May you and your family enjoy God’s bountiful grace and mercy this week! Lathur Badoy