Spencer Kimball once said, “God.... watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs.” This observation is wise and correct. God gives us what we need (encouragement, advice, instruction, etc) usually through other people.
Today, the Lord wants to remind and encourage all of us to experience the blessings of relationships. It is not enough that we believe in our minds that “no man is an island”. We must also live our lives in spiritual community or relationships.
Let the Lord remind you today of the importance and value of being in spiritual relationships. And the best way to be spiritually connected is through active involvement in life groups. Here at Lighthouse, we strongly believe that the best avenue for spiritual maturity and ministry is through becoming part of a small group (usually 6- 14 persons) of Christ-followers who meet together regularly and relate to one another as spiritual family. We call these small groups “life groups”. Life groups are places where people are helped to live life for the glory of God.
Small is the new big. And big things happen when you allow yourself to become tightly connected to other men or women who are seeking to love God and love people. There are numerous wonderful benefits that come as a result of becoming connected to God and God’s people through spiritual community/relationships.
Are you part a life group? If you are not, we ask you to seriously consider becoming part of one. The advantages are so many, but the costs/ sacrifices are little. If you are already part of a life group, we encourage you to bring your involvement to a higher level. That is a decision you will not regret. In fact, you will be glad that you are tightly connected to the Lord and to the spiritual family through life groups.