Romans 6:11 So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
You are free. You have no obligation to your old sinful nature who ruled you for so long. This is if you have truly died to it. If you are still alive to the sinful nature in you because you have not yet hated it and counted it a great enemy, then to the extent that this is true of you, to that extent you are a slave to sin (you can’t say No to it). But if you truly see the spiritual bankruptcy and moral dirt of your former way of life and forsake it as you would do to garbage, you die to sin and it loses its power over you. The body controlled by sin ceases to be your master. You can say No to its desires and demands and live a life that is clean and free. Then if you have embraced Christ as your life, your Lord (Owner and Manager), giving your life to him in complete surrender, then you come alive in your spirit and become a child of God and citizen of the kingdom of heaven. Your senses become awakened to the amazing beauty of this majestic being called God who is your Father in heaven, and you become keenly aware of his friendship with you and constant presence by your side through the Holy Spirit whom he gives to those who trust him. Death to the power of sin and new life toward God is your experience “in Christ Jesus”, that is, in union with Christ Jesus. By true repentance and faith, Jesus’ death and resurrection become yours, and you are taken out of the kingdom of darkness and brought into the kingdom of God’s beloved Son. Now you are, for the first time, really alive because you are now alive to God because of your oneness with Jesus Christ. The old is gone and the new has come. You are free, truly free, and alive in a most real sense. Let’s talk about this today, and be inspired and empowered to live more fully to the Lord as a result. May God’s rich blessings be on you, on your family, and on your ministry today. Lathur Badoy