December 01, 2013
1. Learn how to enjoy your new relationship with God. Walk fully and freely for His glory! Attend POST ENCOUNTER LESSONS. You may attend either of the two scheduled sessions. Thursday night meetings will be on Dec. 5 & 12, 7- 10 PM @ The Lighthouse across the entrance gate of People’s Park. Sunday afternoon meetings will be on December 1, 8 (Sundays) and 14 (Saturday), 1 - 4 PM @ The Lighthouse - Victoria Plaza. Encounter graduates from previous batches are strongly encouraged to enroll, especially in the Sunday schedule. See you there!
2. SCHOOL OF LEADERS 1 & 2 GRADUATION. Witness God’s faithfulness and goodness in the lives of the leaders of leaders! Celebrate in their success as they move a step higher in their spiritual walk with the Lord. Don’t miss this joyful gathering on December 8, 1:30- 4:00 PM at The Lighthouse across People’s Park entrance gate. See you!
3. Receive a mega-dose of God’s love, power, and glory! Ask God for more until you overflow! Join the SPECIAL OVERFLOW NIGHT, December 6, 7 – 10 PM at The Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza Mall. Kevin Dedmon will be our guest minister. This event is open to all believers from all Christian churches. Don’t miss this!
4. A must-attend conference! “HEAVEN ON EARTH”. This is a conference on living a Revival Culture to be taught by Kevin & Theresa Dedmon on December 7, 2013, 1:00 – 6:00 PM @ The Lighthouse Training and Worship Center, Victoria Plaza Mall (2nd Floor beside Rocky’s Barber Shop). Free Admission! Open to all churches. See you there!
5. ANNUAL FAMILY DAY AND CHRISTMAS PARTY! December 15 (Sunday), 4- 10 PM @ CAP Grand Auditorium. Let’s celebrate our spiritual family and enjoy the blessings of Christmas!
6. JOINT MARRIAGE BLESSING CEREMONY. December 22 (Sunday, 2 PM) @ The Lighthouse – Victoria Plaza Mall. Take advantage of this special but free service. Deadline for submission of Marriage License is on December 10. For inquiries, you may ask your network leader or call the church office and look for Kath Fernandez.
7. DONATIONS FOR VICTIMS OF TYPHOON YOLANDA. Our church has given financial help to victims of Yolanda from its treasury as well as from the donations of members. Let us continue to help the victims by our prayers and also by our giving. You may bring you donations to the church office during office hours.