1 John 3:1 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!...
How do you see yourself? Your answer to this question is very important. It affects your whole life, practically speaking. If you see yourself as a “poor sinner”, then you will feel and act like a “poor sinner”. You will accept defeat, sin, and negative events as something you deserve. You’re no good, so why should you expect good things to come your way? You become comfortable with failure, sin, and the like. But if you see yourself as righteous and holy in the eyes of God, then you will live with dignity and confidence. You expect favor and good things because you are accepted and loved in the eyes of the most important person and ultimate Evaluator/ Judge, the Lord himself. Your feelings and thoughts about yourself are positive and happy. You look forward to a wonderful future. Today let the Lord reveal to your spirit your true identity. Be transformed from deep within as you see and feel how deeply loved, valued, & cherished you are. All this as you are still living with immaturity and imperfection. Because of Christ whom you honor as Lord and Savior, you are now a beloved child of God. You are a treasured possession of God, dear to him, and valued as his precious sons and daughters. Let the Lord break the wrong mindsets and ungodly ideas about yourself, and allow him to set you free from the lies of the devil about who you are. You are no ordinary person. On the contrary, you are God’s special treasure, his chosen sons and daughters. Don’t just take these truths as doctrines to agree with in your mind. But be shaped by them in your heart and transformed by them in your life. Embrace your identity. Remind yourself of it every day. Act like it. Talk like it. Pray like it. Fight like it. Win like it. You are God’s beloved child. Enjoy it and impart to others that they too can become God’s dearly loved children. May God’s great love fill you and your family to overflowing today! Lathur Badoy