Empowered for the Mission
God is a God of power! Because God lives in his people, God’s people are also a people of power. This means that they have what they need to be what God wants them to be and to do what God calls them to do. There is no such thing as a sincere but defeated Christ-follower or church. The Lord Jesus Christ is building (expanding and completing) his church, and no evil powers can stop it (Matthew 16:18).
People of God, believe that not only God is powerful, but the people who follow him are also powerful. You and I can do what God has called us to do. You and I can grow into our fullest potential. All God’s good and perfect plans for your life and mine can be fulfilled.
There is a power that lives inside each follower of Jesus. This power, however, needs to be stirred up and allowed to grow. Like a fire, it needs to be fanned into flame. You and I are called and expected by God to be good stewards of the great spiritual resources and riches that he has already placed inside of us.
One very important means of living in the power of God is to pray. Pray not only alone, but with others. The Holy Spirit is released in our times of prayer and God’s people are empowered. This power is for the primary purpose of speaking the message of God to people. The power of God makes you and I bold to tell others of their need for Jesus Christ and how Jesus will forgive them and make them citizens of his kingdom if they turn away from sin and trust in him alone to save them.
In our own strength, you and I tend to be afraid to share the good news of salvation to people. We are afraid of doing it wrong (saying the wrong words), being rejected, laughed at or made fun of. The purpose of the empowerment of the Holy Spirit is so that you and I will overcome our fears and tell others of their desperate need for God. The power of God is not given to us just to make our lives easier, more comfortable, or richer. No. From the time the Holy Spirit was poured out on humanity as recorded in the book of Acts, the result has been love for God, love for people, and boldness to speak the message that people are sinners but God will forgive them if they return to him. As the gospel is told to others, healings and miracles are experienced to confirm the message that is preached. In my own life, I know if I’m really filled with the Holy Spirit because I overcome my fears and tell others about the Lord, even when I am not sure if they will listen or not.
There’s power inside you to fulfill God’s marching orders for you to make disciples of all nations beginning where you live, study, or work. So step out, tell others about the Lord, and see how the Lord touches their lives. You will enjoy it and feel a satisfaction that no other activity on earth can give. You will succeed because the Lord’s power is with you.