Exposing the Dangers of the Modern Grace Message
One of the all-time favorite songs of Christ-followers around the world is the song “Amazing Grace”! That song has kept its powerful touch on people in many generations because it communicates and celebrates a very personal and life-changing truth: the beauty and power of God’s grace!
God’s grace means several things in the Bible. But one of its core meanings is that God gives us what we don’t deserve because he is kind or good to us! We receive forgiveness of sins and good things from God, not because of our merits, but because of God’s kindness to us! We are alive and blessed because God is gracious and treats us as a loving Father!
The glorious truth of God’s grace needs to be protected from distortion, exaggeration, or error. The meaning and application of grace must continually be based on what the Bible clearly teaches, not what some people say. In recent years, some people claim to have a new (and better) understanding of grace. They teach things that may sound good or appealing to some people, but which are dangerous and potentially destructive to a follower of Jesus. Today, we want to talk about some of these things so we can avoid the dangers of an unbalanced, exaggerated, or distorted grace message. And our goal is to protect and preserve an understanding of grace that is firmly grounded in the Bible so that we can continue to enjoy true grace from God.
Every day is a celebration of God’s grace toward you and me! Every day, we have thousands of reasons to rejoice and thank God for his great kindness to us. Let’s keep this positive experience of God’s wonderful grace in our lives!
GRACE may be described as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense (G.R.A.C.E.). It’s yours today!