Finding Your Deepest Satisfaction in God
One major statement of faith that has been honored through the centuries contains this glorious sentence: “Man’s chief end [purpose] is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever”. How right the Christ-followers who wrote those words were! The reason you and I exist is to bring glory to God and to enjoy him. And we are to enjoy God, not just once in a while or for a limited period of time, but forever.
For a great number of people, “God” and “joy” are not compatible concepts. “God” and “sacrifice” may be closer to the truth, they wrongly think. But nothing is farther from the truth. According to the Holy Scriptures, God is the author of joy and to know God is to experience great joy. In God’s presence, there is fulness of joy. At his right hand are pleasures forevermore (Proverbs 16:11).
Today, let’s examine a life-transforming truth that has somehow been stolen from a large number of Christians. Let’s consider the example of some spiritual giants and be infected with their great delight in the Lord. We will see how they became great in God not because of their skill or knowledge, but because they delighted in God and pursued him with all their hearts. And we will talk about some practical adjustments you and I can do in order to change the way we think and feel about God. Our goal is to know/experience God as he meant us to: to enjoy him forever.
There is a blessing for everyone today! Open your heart to the Lord. Set your sights on heavenly things. Believe for an answer to prayer for you! The Lord will not fail those who seek him with all their heart. But even for those who are new, there is a grace from God for you. Taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed are those who put their trust in him (Psalm 34:8).