“When we come to Christ, we’re no longer the most important person in the world to us; Christ is. Instead of living only for ourselves, we have a higher goal: to live for Jesus.” – BILLY GRAHAM Revelation 1:17-18 AS FOLLOWERS OF JESUS HE WANTS US TO FOLLOW HIM UNTIL THE END (Revelation 3:10; Revelation 3:8) THERE IS A COST AND A SACRIFICE THAT WE NEED TO MAKE IN ORDER TO FOLLOW JESUS (Matthew 16:24) You must give up your own way (John 21:18-19) Take up your cross (Matthew 7:14) You cannot be Christ’s servant if you are not willing to follow him, cross and all. What do you crave? A crown? Then it must be a crown of thorns if you are to be like him. Do you want to be lifted up? So you shall, but it will be upon a cross. - Charles Spurgeon AS FOLLOWERS OF JESUS WE NEED TO PREPARE TO MAKE DIFFICULT CHOICES (Matthew 10:37) FAMILY (Luke 12:51-53) RELATIONSHIPS (Luke 9:61-62) WORK “If I am to wholly follow the Lord Jesus Christ, I must forsake everything that is contrary to Him.” – A.W Tozer STUDIES (1 Corinthians 7:29) PERSONAL DREAMS Jesus says, "I want you to follow me so fully, so intensely, so enduringly that all other attachments in your life look weak by comparison" - Timothy Keller AS FOLLOWERS OF JESUS DESPITE THE PRESSURES OF LIFE DECIDE TO STILL FOLLOW HIM NEVER DENY HIM IN YOUR LIFE (John 6:60-67) FALLING AWAY OF OTHER PEOPLE THAT YOU LOOK UP TO (John 6:66-67) PERSECUTIONS (John 15:20) PERSONAL STRUGGLES AND FAILURES (John 6:68-69) JESUS WILL SUSTAIN YOU SO THAT YOU FOLLOW HIM UNTIL THE END (John 17:11) NO GREATER JOY CAN COMPARE OF FOLLOWING JESUS (1 Corinthians 2:9) LET HIM BE YOUR ULTIMATE DESIRE IN LIFE LOOK FORWARD OF BEING WITH JESUS FOREVER (1 Corinthians 2:2; Revelation 3:11) CONCLUSION: Acts 20:24 THE BEST IS YET TO COME IN YOUR LIFE WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO FOLLOW JESUS ALL THE WAY- d no Physical Gathering yet until further notice. Happy Simbalay!
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