Following Jesus Where You Live, Work, or Study
God has a dream! He dreams of having a very large group of people who will follow and honor him as the Creator and King. The other aspect of this one dream of God is that his Son will have a huge group of lovers (he calls this group as “the bride of Christ”). This two-sided dream of God does not come out of a need or lack on God’s part. Rather, it comes out of his Kingly glory and his character as a God who desires to love and be loved.
This people of God and bride of Christ are to be laid-down lovers before God and Christ (the Father and the Son). But they are also to be activists. They are to be a passionate army of proclaimers of the Kingly authority of God over all people and creation because he made them all. People have life and blessing only because of God’s royal mercies and generosity. In addition to the kingdom message, God’s people are also to proclaim God’s passion for a bride for his Son (the bride is the people from all races and parts of the world who have Jesus as the supreme love and satisfaction of their lives). The bride of Christ is the people who have chosen to follow Jesus, have received forgiveness of sins and a right standing with God, and are growing in loving surrender to their husband- Jesus Christ, the head of the church.
Because you and I are God’s subjects/followers in his kingdom as well as the loving bride of Christ, we follow God in his plan for his people and the world. We do what God wants wherever we are- at home/boarding house, at the office, or in school. This involves telling others about Jesus Christ and helping those who respond to grow in their submission to God. You are God’s spokesperson and representative in the places where you live, work, or study. By the power of Holy Spirit, obey God’s command, open your mouth, and tell people about Jesus Christ and his kingdom, love, and offer of salvation. The Lord will bless your obedience, and you will see people follow Jesus because you opened your mouth and spoke God’s message to people.
So many others have not yet surrendered their lives to God. The only way proclaiming the gospel throughout the whole world will be accomplished is for God’s people, the royal priests representing God to man and man to God, live out and speak their faith wherever they live, work, or study. The vast majority of followers of God do not need to give up their jobs, businesses, or studies in order to serve God. They can serve God right where they are now. They can be pastors and missionaries in their homes, offices, and schools. We can do this! We must do this... because we love God and love people!