1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Welcome to our worship celebration today! We are glad that you came. The Lord will bless you as you open your heart to him and allow him to be God in your life. Nobody wants to fail or make wrong decisions in life. Failures or mistakes happen when we are ignorant of what is right, when we are acting selfishly or carelessly, or when we are depending on our own knowledge or skills instead of in the Lord. The Lord may allow us to stumble or fail so we can learn and grow. In the times and seasons of weakness or failure, we need to guard our hearts and minds. We need to check our responses. The enemy of our souls, Satan, may inject lies into our minds or he may accuse us to make us feel condemned. We can lose our self-confidence. Some people stop serving God because they feel they are not worthy anymore. Others give up on the spiritual family. Still others doubt or question God. There are people who harden their hearts. Let us not respond in any of these wrong ways. When you have failed or have made some mistakes in life, do not allow emotions to dictate your decisions. Rather, choose to believe God and respond well. Humble yourself and seek help. Learn from your mistakes but do not judge yourself. Decide to continue in spite of the feelings of shame and regrets. The Lord is the God of second chances. Run to him, not away from him, when you fail. He will forgive you. He will restore. He will help you make right what’s wrong in your life. May the Lord richly bless you and your family this week and always! Lathur Badoy