Going Back to Your First Love
Revelation 2:4 Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. (NKJV)
Hi Lighthouse family,
It is a reason for much joy in our hearts when we gather to lift up God’s glorious name. There are few things on earth like it. A little of heaven actually comes to us and we experience a heavenly delight as our hearts become one with God’s heart in those special moments of adoration and worship. May we never trade being in God’s presence along with God’s people with the lesser pleasures and temporary concerns of this earth. May we be able to say like the psalmists, “A day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.” (Psalm 84:10). The ‘courts” here to the ‘house of God’ which is the place where Christ’s followers assemble to glorify God and hear his message.
Today, the Holy Spirit will speak to us a message that is so needful. The pressures and difficulties of the pandemic season may have shifted your focus away from God and onto your needs and problems. Or you may not have financial worries, but you are so occupied with gardening, watching Korean telenovelas, or doing hours of social media browsing almost every single day. Whatever your specific present situations may be, our Lord and Bridegroom is calling us, the church, His bride, to return to loving him as our all in all just as we did when we first gave our lives to him. We who follow Christ have very vivid memories of the times and the season when prayer was sweet, reading the Bible was a delight, going to church was something we look forward to days ahead of schedule, and serving God was not a burden. The Lord was our last thought before we slept at night, and our first thought when we woke up in the morning. We were willing to give our whole lives to him.
The Lord wants you and me to go back to that first love. Not necessarily with same intensity of emotion, but definitely with a mature or maturing love, commitment, and passion. The Lord is extending his invitation to you this weekend: Will you return to your first love and start doing again what you did before? Will you love Christ again with all of you and with great delight in your heart?
May the Lord richly bless you, your family, and your ministry!
With love and prayers,
Pastors Lathur and Leah Badoy