You and I serve a wonderful God! There are many awesome qualities within the magnificent being of God. One of those qualities is grace. God is a God who acts toward us with grace.
I am awed by the grace of God! Without it, where would you and I be? If we received from God only what we deserved, we’re in deep and big trouble. Because we fail even though we try to do good. But because God treats us graciously, we are able not only to live, but to flourish.
Today, let’s talk about this wonderful thing called the grace of God! Let’s understand it some more. As we grow in our understanding of God’s grace, our experience of it will grow as well. The result will be a life that is more free, happy, empowered, and pleasing to God.
We will also look at some wrong understanding of grace. We want to be aware of those ideas so that we can avoid them and thus preserve a deeply satisfying and God-glorifying experience of grace.
Every day is a day to rejoice in God and love God more passionately because he showers his grace very abundantly in our lives!
The Lord has a blessing for you today! Receive it and be changed through the grace of God!