Growing Deep in God
One influential Christian leader was once asked, “What is the greatest need of the church [the body of Christ] today?”. His reply was, “spiritual maturity”. He is not alone in this conviction. Throughout the world, there is a cry and a yearning for people who claim to be followers of Jesus to really grow in spiritual maturity and be more like Christ in their character and lifestyle.
This year 2014, the Lord wants a people who will lead lives of radical obedience to him. The Lord wants people who will pursue him in sweet surrender to his will. He does not want shallow Christians. Rather, he wants people of character and substance.
Will you let go and allow the Lord to take you deeper in him? There’s more (so much more) to the Christian life than what you have experienced so far! Go deeper in him. Let him open up new dimensions of your relationship with him. Let him give you new experience that will transform your life to something bigger and greater for the glory of God. Determine in your heart to pursue spiritual depth and intimacy with God this year.
As you seek what God wants first, all the things that you need will be given to you as well (Matthew 6:33). That’s the promise of God.