Growing In Your Love for God
The Lord is a God of love (1 John 4:8). He thinks loving thoughts. He feels loving feelings. His actions are actions of love. He relates to you and me in love. And because love is meant to be shared, he wants us to love him back freely or out of our own free choice.
Because we have received so much love from God, it is not difficult to love God in return. In fact, the Bible says, “We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19). But there is still a place for choosing to love God. This is because we can be selfish, ungrateful, proud, or negligent if we don’t watch our hearts and choices.
Today, let us be reminded and encouraged to grow in our love for God. Loving God results to many good things in our lives. There are many good reasons why you and I can increase in our love for God. The Bible gives many great examples of people who imperfectly, but genuinely loved God. And there are particular things we can do to cultivate an increasing love for God in our lives.
May the Lord fill you with his love today. And may your experience of God’s love move you to love him more in return. The Lord is a wonderful person. May you grow deeper in love with him as the days and years go by.