Deuteronomy 1:11 May the Lord...increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised!
Happy New Year! The year 2018 is here. People have different feelings about the new year. Some are afraid. They fear calamities, man-made disasters, economic problems, and others. They are afraid that the social and political situation may worsen. Some people enter the new year 2018 with a very positive attitude. They have put their hope in the living God. They are followers of God. As children of God, they know that their lives are in great hands. The Lord will take good care of them. They are not afraid or worried. Their focus is on the Lord and how to please him. They enter the year 2018 confidently because the year is known to God, even though it may be unknown to them. I encourage you to not be afraid this year 2018! If your sins have been forgiven & you are now a child of God, and you are living for the Lord, your life is secure! Don’t waste your time worrying about the future. Focus instead on serving the Lord. Determine that the year 2018 will be your best year so far in seeking to know God (through Bible study/devotional, worship/soaking in God’s presence, participating in a life group, etc) and making God known (by telling the good news of salvation to others, by leading life groups, by being involved in secondary ministries, etc). The Lord will be pleased, and you will be blessed! I believe that the year 2018 will be a year of change and breakthrough for those who really want change and breakthrough in their lives! But there is a price to be paid to experience the change and breakthrough. The higher life comes as a result of surrender to God’s will and a passionate pursuit of the holy things of God. You will need to die to some childish and selfish things in your life. But the result will be maturity and more of God’s agenda accomplished in your life. It will be a thrilling life. It will be a life like no other. It will be the greatest adventure on earth for any man or woman. May you enjoy a bountiful life this 2018! May this be your best year so far as you trust and obey the Lord. The LORD is good. Blessed is the person or family who trusts in him. Lathur Badoy