Psalm 27:10 Even if my father and my mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close.
The love of God is powerful to heal the wounds in our minds and hearts! We may have been hurt deeply by our earthly fathers and/or mothers, but God’s love can restore what is broken in our lives. Thankfully, God’s love is available in great abundance! It is given to us if we ask for it. Since it is given by grace (unmerited favor), we can have it even when we feel “unqualified” or “disqualified” to receive it. If you ask the Lord for his unconditional love to heal you and set you free from the inner wounds of your life, he will come and make you whole and free. Talk about wounds from biological parents can cause some discomfort in the hearts or minds of some people! But, as in surgery to remove some cancerous tissues from our bodies, talking about emotional and mental wounds caused by our fathers and/or mothers can be fearful and discomforting at the start, but we will be healed and set free if we submit ourselves to the process. We are very grateful to the Lord for the love that he is pouring on us and the grace he is showering on us. We are believing the Lord for a healing experience as we talk and pray about healing from wounds caused by a lack of tender love. Because the Lord is good and faithful, we have big reasons to believe that he will heal the wounds in our hearts and set us free from all the negative effects the wounds had on us in the past. Receive the perfect, unconditional, and unending love of our Father God today! Be transformed in his presence as you allow him to touch your life! You will go out with joy and be led forth in peace because you welcomed his work in your life today! Lathur Badoy