How to Grow Your Family Relationships
Growth. Every living entity grows. Plants, animals, trees, fishes, etc. The principle of life causes living organisms to grow.
The same is true of family relationships. They are also meant to grow. But for relationships between husbands and wives, children to other children, parents to children and vice-versa to grow, we must feed the relationship with good, healthy relational food. This is is what we will talk about today.
Do you want your family relationships to grow? The good news is that they can. Family relationships also follows certain laws and principles. Feed your family with a consistent diet of positive things and you will surely see positive change sooner or later. Husbands and wives can become more united and sweet. Parents and children can be more positive and enjoy each other like never before. Brothers and sisters can be restored to the same level (if not greater level) of closeness and wonderful togetherness. The key is you watch what you put into the relationship. If it’s good things (and this may include some ‘sacrificial loving’ to a family member who is not responsive at this time), there can be an expectation of some change. Of course, don’t forget to water the seeds of love and sacrifice with prayer. The power of God is the greatest asset that can change our family relationships for the better.