There is so much in our world that seeks our attention. Advertisements on TV, the internet, or radio try to lure us to buy things, visit the new store or restaurant, try a new spa, etc. We have invitations from many people to go some where and do some thing. We can also develop hobbies and cultivate habits that can take up much time everyday, like connecting with friends on Facebook, playing our favorite computer game, or just watching telenovelas, or surfing the internet.
Many things are not bad in themselves. We actually need some of them to enjoy our humanity. Moderation is a good principle we can observe. Too much of anything can have a negative effect.
You and I will do well to prioritize our activities and discipline ourselves to pursue the things that matter the most, without necessarily neglecting the other things that we also enjoy and value. One of the really important activities that should be on the “priority list” of our lives should be active church involvement. You and I are called, in fact, commanded by God, to not stop meeting together so that we keep growing spiritually, fulfill our mission on earth, as well as protect ourselves from falling or failing spiritually or morally. Make no mistake about it: God wants you and me to be actively involved in the church, which is the body (or expression) of Christ on earth.
Whenever God commands us to do something, his goal is his glory and our good. There are so many benefits that come to those who obey what God instructs. Those who actively involve themselves in church reap many blessings. There is great power and much blessings in being tightly connected to and actively involved in church. Let us learn or be reminded of some of these blessings today.
Are you experiencing the power and blessings of active church involvement? If not, you may need to reconsider the level of your involvement. You may need to cut down on your other activities and channel some of your time and energy toward serving God and people through the church. If you make that adjustment, you will find yourself thrilled, empowered, and significant. God releases his blessings to those who love him and love people. Why don’t you start making the adjustments in your schedule today? Connect to a cell group (there are many people who will be thrilled to have you join them in their cell or small group). Try your very best not to miss a Sunday worship celebration. And be involved in one of our many ministries. You will be fulfilled, and many lives will be touched by your service. If you are already actively participating in the life of this church, keep up the good work.