Acts 2:16 - 17 But this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: 17 “‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares…
Hi Lighthouse family, Abundant blessings of grace from God our Father and peace through our Lord Jesus Christ. We are so happy to see you today. The Lord is pleased that you have taken the time to come and worship Him in His house along with His people. As a Father, He is so glad to see His children gathered together in His presence. And He will pour out His grace on us. When we give importance to what is important to God, He is pleased and there will be blessing for us as well. We are still in the midst of a global crisis that is affecting all of us in various ways and in varying degrees. But the Lord is with us. He will keep us safe, provide for all our needs, and help us keep pleasing Him as we keep growing in Him and serving Him by spreading His message of salvation and rule (kingdom) to as many as possible. Today, let’s talk about Bible prophecies that were written a few thousand years ago that are either being fulfilled now or are coming on the earth perhaps very soon. Our goal is to be aware or be reminded of these things so that we can recognize them when they happen and respond in God-honoring ways. More importantly, we want to have a conversation on these things so we can prepare ahead of time and end up on the winning side, not on the losing side, when the dangers come. The Lord loves you so much. He is committed to you till the end. May you stay faithful to Him as well. That is love- genuine, true, and enduring. Love and prayers, Pastors Lathur and Leah Badoy