It’s Time for an Upgrade
Every true child of God has unbelievable potential for positive change. When a person submits to the authority of God and puts his faith in Jesus Christ alone for forgiveness of sins and a right standing with God, he/she receives the life of God in like a seed form. This life of God inside him is intended by God to grow until it reaches and transforms every area of his/her life.
God is concerned about the total person- spirit, soul, and body. And God wants the whole person to experience the wholeness and abundance that characterizes the kingdom of God. Thus, the true child of God should continuously be transformed so that he/she reflects the character of Christ and the righteousness, peace, and joy of the kingdom of God.
God wants you to experience an upgrade in some areas of your life. He wants you to experience and demonstrate the realities of the kingdom of God. God wants people on earth to see the reality, power, and blessedness of life when one belongs to God and lives under the authority/rule of God.
God wants you to experience an upgrade in your identity. It’s time to really live as royaly- as the beloved sons and daughters of the King. God also wants you to experience an upgrade in your mindset. It’s time to break free from poverty mindset and embracea mentality of abundance.
In addition to the above, God wants you to experience a “next level” in your speech, that is, in your confessions and declarations. It’s time to leave behind negative and defeatist speech, and speak words of life and victory. And finally, the Lord also desires you to level up in your image and actions. He wants you to feel better about yourself and build yourself more. God is glorified when his children like themselves and project to the world around them a godly confidence, peace, and joy.
The Lord wants to bring more of heaven’s realities to you while you are living on this earth. Why don’t you open your life to the rule/ leadership of God? Allow God to be God in your life. Trust him. Follow him. Enjoy the abundant life that he gives!