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- Invest for eternity and make that one bold step of inviting your loved ones, friends, classmates or co-workers to our CHANGE LIFESTYLE SUNDAY on July 22 during the Sunday Worship Celebrations at The Lighthouse, Victoria Plaza. Become an instrument of change and transformation to the people around you. Just do it for God’s glory!
- “Two words that will change your life… Yes Lord!” Start living the adventure of yes as you come to PRE ENCOUNTER PARTY on July 15 & 22 (Sunday), 12:45 – 3:45 PM at The Lighthouse, Victoria Plaza and on July 20 (Friday), 7:00 – 10:00 PM at The Lighthouse, People’s Park. You need to attend only one of the four schedules to qualify for the ENCOUNTER GOD WEEKEND. Take that one step to change and your life will never be the same again!
- Stop all the striving and raise your white flag to God as you attend ENCOUNTER GOD WEEKEND on July 28 – 29, 2018 (Saturday & Sunday) at The Lighthouse, Victoria Plaza. Registration Fee: Regular – Php 250; Student - Php 150. Registration is free to some qualified candidates. To be able to attend Encounter God Weekend, one must have completed the 5 Lessons of Change 12 or be a member of a Life Group and attended a Pre Encounter Party. Allow God to fix, restore and redeem your broken life. Don’t dare miss it!
- Join us for our ONCE-A-MONTH SATURDAY MORNING PRAYER on July 21, 7:00 – 8:15 AM at The Lighthouse, People’s Park. Spend your morning in prayer and intimate communion with God. Tap into the power of prayer!
- Everyone is looking forward for the LIGHTHOUSE 13th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION on August 12 (Sunday) at The Lighthouse, Victoria Plaza with Guest Speaker: Ptr. Lalano Badoy, Jr. God has been so faithful and good to Lighthouse the past 13 years. We are moving forward to another year with much anticipation of the greater things God will do. Join us in the celebration! See you!
- Mark the calendar for the CHILD DEDICATION on August 26, 2018 during our 10:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship Celebration at The Lighthouse, Victoria Plaza. For inquiries, please contact your life group leader or the LCF Office and look for Kath.
“We must never dilute our first priority – to have no other gods and to serve no other priorities ahead of God the Father and His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.”
“Establishing the correct priorities in our lives is vital for our success as Christians.” (André van Belkum)
“Christ is not valued at all unless He is valued above all.” (Augustine)