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- Seize every chance to change and attend PRE ENCOUNTER PARTY on July 16 (This Afternoon), 1:30 – 4:30 PM at The Lighthouse, Victoria Plaza. Take that one step to true change and your life will never be the same again. Embark on a wonderful and purposeful journey of finding God and being found by Him. See you there!
- Say yes to encounter God and you’re saying yes to a brand new life in Jesus! Excitement is rising up for ENCOUNTER GOD WEEKEND on July 22 – 23, 2017 at The Lighthouse, Victoria Plaza. Registration Fee: Regular – Php 250; Student - Php 150. Registration is free to some qualified candidates. To be able to attend Encounter God Weekend, one must have completed the 5 Lessons of Change 12 or member of a Life Group and attended a Pre Encounter Party. Let God turn your world upside-down as you experience inner healing, freedom, deliverance, and transformation. One encounter with God can change everything! Don’t dare miss it!
- Press on for more and continue your spiritual growth in God as you attend POST ENCOUNTER POWER SERIES on July 30 & August 6 (2 Sundays), 1:30 – 4:30 PM at The Lighthouse, Victoria Plaza. Know the foundations of a victorious Christian living and keep the fire burning for Jesus. You are an over comer and a finisher through Jesus!
- Come and join our WEEKLY PRAYER MEETING every Thursday, 7:00 – 8:00 PM at The Lighthouse, Victoria Plaza. Experience the supernatural power of prayer as we connect to the very heart of God. A praying church is a growing church. See you there!