July 21, 2013
1. FIRE & GLORY 3 CONFERENCE is fast approaching! Ask a life group leader how you can participate in the conference. Or you may call the church office. Mark the dates in your personal calendars and make concrete plans to attend. You will not regret taking a leave from work/business or even school (if possible) so that you can receive fresh grace from God for your life and ministry. The registration fee is subsidized so as to make it easier for more people to be able to attend. Pre-register for a substantial discount. See you at CAP Grand Auditorium on September 4-7. Be there when heaven invades earth and lives are transformed forever!
We would like to encourage you to promote Fire and Glory Conference 3
by liking FG3 fanpage @ facebook.com/fireandgloryconferencedavao
You may also share the anouncements and wall posts of FG3 to your own wall posts. Thank you. Let's promote and invite more people to the conference.
2. PREPARING CINEMA 6 FOR OUR USE. We thank those who have participated in the clean-up, repairs, repainting, beautification of our new fellowship center. There’s still work that has to be done. There are still needs, like a basic sound system that we can use there whenever we have Sunday morning sessions there during Encounter God Weekends. We ask for your help in various forms- through contributing financially and volunteering your skill or time. Together, let’s make that house of God beautiful and functional for the glory of our great God!
3. SPECIAL SEASON OF PRAYER AND SPIRITUAL FORMATION! We are very thankful to the Lord for the fresh release of life, healing, direction, encouragement, and much more so far as we have paused from our usual activities and spend time with him. There are stories of new joy and peace, clearer sense of God’s direction, hearing God’s voice for personal and family concerns, and much more. Don’t miss the many blessings that await those who seek God through longer or better prayer times!
4. SPECIAL PRAYER MEETING on July 26,2013 (Friday), 7-8pm at the LCF center. Let us arise and stir up ourselves to pray. We would like for you to come and invite your friends. See you.